I’m not sure where the idea arose of tissue salts having a negative ionic charge as being the most potent form, but we receive many queries along these lines. Perhaps this idea has more to do with chelated mineral or other supplements that aren’t real biochemic tissue salts.
Positive and negative ionic charge
In chemistry, a mineral salt is a molecular compound that consists of positively charged ions (cations) bonded with negative ions (anions). It is the product of a chemical reaction involving an acid and a base, where a metal replaces the hydrogen in the acid. The resulting salt is an electrically neutral compound with no net ionic charge.
Tissue salts essentially comprise of these cation-anion pairs. These positively and negatively charged ions create a molecular complex, holding electric potential for the cells to take what they need once dissolved and carried in the water component of the body. By their very nature, they must be electrically neutral.
For example, if your bones require Calcium Phosphate, the calcium part of it is positively charged, and the phosphate part has a negative ionic charge. You cannot create a Calc Phos tissue salt without these two components being present in an electrically neutral state. The idea of them holding only negative ionic charge would mean interfering with the original minerals in some way or excluding the positively charged cation part of the mineral salts entirely. In my opinion, it just doesn’t make any chemical sense at all!
Tissue salts are electrically neutral compounds
I’d describe the AllisOne tissue salts as electromagnetically balanced bioenergetic Nanominerals™. It’s impossible to isolate the originating molecules or ions in our finished product. When we break the chemical bonds of the crude salt compounds, energy releases into the sugar-alcohol diluent, thus held in a bio-available form for the cells to assimilate according to their particular requirement for the available mineral energy. One cannot force anything into the cells that they don’t have an affinity for; metabolic processes utilise any excess energy for greater efficiency.
If the inference is that a ‘negative ionic’ charge is somehow deemed necessary for digestion, rest assured that the tissue salts don’t get assimilated in the digestive tract anyway – they’re absorbed by the membranes of the mouth and enter the bloodstream directly, bypassing the stomach and alimentary canal entirely.
How mineral salts affect solution pH
A general rule in chemistry illustrates how, for a type of mineral salt to affect solution pH, it has to react with water (H2O) to release or bind the hydrogen atoms. When the salt of a strong base and weak acid dissolves in water, it forms an alkaline solution, whereas the salt of a weak base and strong acid creates an acidic solution. The salts of a strong acid and strong base or of a weak acid and weak base both form a neutral or near-neutral solution.
Looking at our three sodium salts of the biochemic system, Nat Sulph (Na2SO4) forms a neutral solution when dissolved in water because it is the salt of a strong base and strong acid. Nat Phos (Na3PO4) forms an alkaline solution because it is the salt of a strong base and weak acid. Nat Mur (NaCl) is commonly known as table salt, and it breaks down into ions of sodium and chloride when added to water. Neither sodium nor chloride reacts with water, so adding it to water does not change the pH. All of the twelve tissue salts form neutral, non-reactive or alkaline solutions.
If the body is too acidic, then take note of what Dr Carey said a century ago:
“There is never an excess of acid, only a deficiency of Nat Phos.”
Image attribution: Version 8.25 from the Textbook OpenStax Anatomy and Physiology
Published May 18, 2016 | CC-BY 4.0 | https://cnx.org/contents/FPtK1zmh@8.25:fEI3C8Ot@10/Preface
Interesting article.
I have heard the same thing recently about the negative ionic charge being required. The article I read said that it is not the components of the salt that are at fault, when there is no charge, but it is something to do with large-scale production of the big commercial brands which means that during the manufacturing process, they come into contact with metal?.. I think it was suggesting tubing, sheeting, manufacturing materials maybe. Would that throw any light on it, and could that affect the salts? Would be glad if you could comment on that aspect. This whole debate is worrying because most people in western europe at least are buying mass produced tissue salts from a handful of commerical companies that never mention this issue. So either they work or not and if not, then surely they shouldn’t be licensed for sale in pharmacies etc. If they do work, then the people who are claiming they are useless need to be informed that they are wrong! Obviously because tissue salts are not part of the big pharma industry there is unlikely to be scientific trials to test this issue but it is becoming a problem because since the spread of this untested information, about the negative charge, by one or two practitioners online, no-one, including practitioners currently know what the truth is!
Thanks for your pertinent comments, Jodie.
It’s certainly confusing to everyone as you say. As far as I am aware, the bigger homoeopathic companies have always been concerned about the manufacturing machinery they use. I haven’t inspected the factories in the EU, but I’m sure that they use equipment that is electrically neutral. We hand triturate our tissue salts as far as humanly possible, but there comes the point that the blending has to be done with pharmaceutical equipment to handle the batch sizes. At the end of the day, our tissue salts are balanced and effective.
I’m sure that all the tabletting equipment going back in time was metal too, so this is nothing new, and in fact, precedes the making of tissue salts:
~ Wikipedia
My feeling is that the phenomenon of tissue salts ‘not working’ perhaps has more to do with the possibility of homoeopathic processes of (maybe liquid?) dilution being applied to these mineral solid substances; that over time certain brands have become more homoeopathic remedies than biochemic balancers of mineral deficiencies. If the brand being used is working, there is no reason to change; if one finds it ineffective, it’s time to try a different one.
Good day
I think a lot of people may have heard Santos Bonacci say it must be negatively charged. That is where I heard it anyway. He is big on YouTube. I’m not saying he is right. I understand your explanation.
On another note, I see Bhealthy stocks your products, but they seem to be cheaper than you guys? Or did I miss something?
I am a South African living in China and I am interested in importing Cell Salts, so I thought I would come right to the source.
From what I understand you manufacture the salts?
Do you have a wholesale price list that you could send me please?
Looking forward to your response.
Thank you, Sandra.
I think the prices in BHealthy haven’t been updated for quite a while – those were our prices a while back (and they are for the 60s, not the 180s). As you are probably aware, price fixing is against the law in South Africa, so occasionally stockists offer special prices below the recommended retail, and that’s fine. It could be that they are offering an online special, but it probably has more to do with an oversight in their website maintenance.
We subcontract the manufacturing of our proprietary formulations to external partners, who are licensed to manufacture pharmaceutical / complementary health products and comply with the stringent GMP requirements.
Thanks very much for the wholesale enquiry – our admin team will be in touch to get a little more information from you about your business and advise as to how best we can be of service to you.