I recently returned to Cape Town from Tokyo, where I was presenting a Colour and Tissue Salts workshop to a group of Aura-Soma practitioners. It was an enormous privilege to be there at this beautiful cherry-blossom time, just a month after the devastating earthquake and tsunami in March. Some folks questioned my sanity before I left South Africa, with aftershocks and radiation dangers omnipresent in Japan. Continue reading Reflections on Japan
Category: Courses and seminars
Stories and feedback about courses and seminars.
Roarsome White Lion Experience!
It’s been a little more than a week since returning from the incredible home of the White Lions of Timbavati. What a privilege it is to be able to share knowledge about tissue salts in this special place. I am grateful to all of the participants who made the journey to the heartland of the lions for making it a fantastic workshop. There were 7 from Cape Town, 3 from Johannesburg and 2 each from England and Belgium. It was a remarkable turnout for such short notice, especially for our inter-continental travelers.